woensdag 30 januari 2013

Video: Me Myself and I

This video was used in the Performance Halte Tussenziel #1 (working title: Split Second)

VIDEO:    https://vimeo.com/154294834

VIMEOSITE: https://vimeo.com/freyaensarah

Halte Tussenziel ( working title: Split Second): A Performance on location.
"A busstop, a young woman, agitated but determined. She want's to leave. But something is holding her back " 

In this performance the audience is walking along with the doubting young woman. Starting point is a busstop. Getting lost in the woods and struggling with her inner-voice.. she hopes to find her way.

Concept/ directing/performance/ video: Sarah and Freya Eshuijs
Production: Stichting Amonet Norg/ NNT Groningen


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